Cloth Diapering Newborns

So many local friends come to with questions regarding cloth diapering and baby products. I told you my next post was going to be about diapering, I lied, I posted a family post.

Well here it is. Cloth diapering newborns, should you do it? Many mother's choose to CD (Cloth diaper) their newborns right away and start at the hospital. That wasn't me. I took advantage of the free newborn sposies (disposables) while at the hospital. As soon as I got home though I was very anxious to put on those ADORABLY cute cloth diapers on little Isabella. Now remember, I didn't cloth diaper Brody until he was after a year old. This was a foreign subject for me.

When we got home Isabella was under six pounds, which meant any cloth diaper that was not called a NEWBORN cloth diaper did not fit her. I was very thankful I had purchased six cloth diapers, so I thought. I found myself washing diapers like twice a day and using sposies in between, newborns go potty A LOT. Thank goodness we have a local cloth diaper retailer in town because I found myself heading to her store, Little Bums n More, just the day after we got home to buy more diapers. I was on a budget so I bought pre-folds, covers, and snappis to get us by until Isabella grew into her normal One Size diapers, and size one Thirsties.

Okay enough of that. I feel that if you are going to cloth diaper a newborn you should be using newborn sized cloth diapers, some moms may feel differently, but remember this is my opinion. If you want to have your sanity and do laundry at a minimum of every other day here's what you need until your little one reaches about nine pounds, your are lucky if your baby is bigger.

18-20 diapers

We used six all in ones (the whole diaper needs to be changed ) and had three covers with twelve pre-folds. Covers with inserts or pre-folds can be used more than once as you are replacing the insert or pre-fold at every change. We use the cover for up to about three changes.

Newborns are not in newborn diapers very long. So here's some options of getting the best bang for your buck.

  • Buy used from Buy Sell Trade Facebook pages (let me know if you need links) - 80% of our diapers are previously used and they were in excellent condition.
  • Buy new but bargain shop. I try and support local as much as possible so I stick with Little Bums n More and use Covers with Pre-folds.
  • Rent! Yes, that's right. Little Bums n More offers newborn diaper rentals (and as of March 1st will be offering diaper laundering service, perfect as a gift for new parents).
  • Sell them when you are done OR save and reuse them if you plan on having more kiddos.

Please know that I am not getting paid by Little Bums n More, I am just a fan of supporting local and she carries great natural parenting products for kids AND the entire family.

 All in Ones - Newborn Grovia and Newborn Bumgenious
(We bought those all used through Buy Sale Trade Facebook Groups)

Rumparooz Cover and Organic Cotton Prefold - bought new at Little Bums n More

Please, come to me if you have any more questions. I would love to hear from you.


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