We are going to rock 2019!

Yep, back to my handy dandy blog, that I created eons ago! It's kind of nice to have something to fall back on. I worked really hard on my blog, back when Baltazar was an active duty Marine. I talked about all things military wife, family, adventures, and even did product reviews. Boy, have times changed.

It's been TWO years since I have blogged last. I wasn't as active on Facebook then, as I am now. Maybe I should change that. If friends and family really wanted to take the time to get an update, they can read the blog, or call, or visit in person. Let's bring that back, I love going out for a delicious coffee. There are SO many great coffee shops in town now. Who's in?

Two years ago, life was a bit easier, still chaotic, but much simpler. From the ways, of working with a child who has Type 1 Diabetes (he did two years ago), and who struggles with his own mental health (this is a more recent situation), to a five year old who loves ballet, long conversations, and every bit of my attention. Hubby is doing well in college, but as he gets closer to graduation, classes get harder, as does homework, and the length of time to complete it. He's still coaching high school basketball and football. It makes him so happy, and to see him on the court, or field, is just a fantastic experience. He's definitely in his zone.

As for me, outside of my family life, I have a job and career that is amazing. Yes, who can actually say that about their J.O.B.? This gal. I can, and I will scream it for all to hear. I LOVE MY JOB. From the people I work with, to the product I sell, and to my clients that I have the pleasure of knowing, and many I now call my friends. I wouldn't change it. People seem to think, since I travel often (sometimes), that it must be exhausting. It's not. Actually, that is one of the best parts about my industry.

Other's ask, "how do you do it? How do manage a family, work, work travel, and volunteering." I tell them, I just do, and I find time to do it. I LIVE off of my Outlook Calendar. Trust me, ask my office mates. If I find out you are going to be out of the office, and it's not on the calendar, I add it to everyone else's'. Oh goodness, does that make me a nerd, or a control freak? Or maybe that's the millennial coming out of me, always wanting to be in the know, who's doing what, and where do I fit in to that situation. I just call it, organization, for my brain. My desk may not look organized, but my brain is! Vitamins help too. Sounds like I need to Marie Kondo it, meaning, my office.

Speaking of vitamins, that's really why I wanted to come here and start blogging again. I thought, since I get asked often about my upcoming Mrs. Oregon Pageant, that I should blog about what I am doing to "prepare." So, yes, vitamins are a very important part, getting healthy in the mind and physical body are the other two extremely important parts of pageant prep-work. I have been going to the gym weekly, I would love to make that statement say, "I've been going to the gym three days a week," but for now, weekly will do! I also want to share with you some healthy meals that I have been enjoying, along with my family enjoying them. Hey, if the meal is enjoyed by three out of four humans (yes humans, the fur-babies don't count, they eat anything put in front of them), that live in our house, I will take that as a win!

So hop on, enjoy the ride. I'm not apologizing for anything, if I skip a week and don't post, so be it, I skip a week. Welcome to my journey to Mrs. Oregon America, as well as, well, my journey of ME!


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