Is it Tuesday yet?

I am tired. I am stressed. I am exhausted. I am sad. I am thankful. I am angry.

Today was Monday.

I have the best job ever and I work with the best people ever. They are compassionate and truly care for one another. There is no acting. It's truth through and through.

Today was an emotional day. One that I took home to my family. Today reminded me to live my life to it's fullest and to make sure everyone close to my heart knows that they are loved and always thought of.


Dinner was not ready as I hoped. I already had a long day. I prepped my dinner the night before to be put into the oven at a certain time. Life happened. We didn't eat dinner until 8:00 p.m.

Did I mention that if we have dinner at 8pm it throws Brody's entire night time insulin routine out the window? His blood sugars were great. Dinner: 179. Bedtime: 147. Then bam... after I get home from a little late night shopping trip I go into his room to give him a kiss around 10:00pm and he was awake. He said, "Mom, I feel low." We check his blood glucose. 57. Yes, Brody you were crazy low! He chooses to eat glucose tabs instead of drink the common 15 carb juice box. We wait. 15 minutes. Blood sugar: 180. He goes back to bed.

Okay, lets back up a little bit. I forgot to mention that today Brody came home with a rash all over his face, neck and shoulders. I thought it would be fun to play phone tag with the on-call nurse at Brody's doctors office. I won! Two hours later I finally spoke to someone. We are hoping it's just a heat rash. Give it 24 hours they said...

It's 10:50pm. Alarm is set two times. Midnight, to check Brody's sugar levels. 5am to start my work day.

I would say that it definitely was a Monday.


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