This rainy Sunday

This rainy Sunday did not stop me from staying home (for the most part) and work on some projects around the house. Actually, I am really happy that we had multiple downpours today. I didn't have to worry about watering the garden. My little helper and I enjoyed a little time outside checking on our vegetables. Everything is growing so well. I cannot wait until our food is ready to be harvested.

What I will do going forward is check the weather forecast for the weekend so I can coordinate my grocery shopping around the blueish skies. Grocery shopping on a beautiful Oregon day = standing in the rain while you unload your cart full of food into your car all by yourself. Shopping without your kids = priceless! Have you ever gone late night shopping after the kids are in bed just to have alone time? You don't even buy anything but just window shop? Raising my hand!

My main goal today though was to get Brody's room organized. Now that he is getting older he has homework. It was time for him to get his own work desk. In order for everything to fit in his room I had to do a major rearrangement of furniture. In the end everything looks great and he has more floor space to play.

I hadn't posted a picture yet of my mantle. I'm not sure yet if this is how I want the final decor to be. It usually takes me a bit after I arrange decor to see if it works or not.

And, last but not least. My sun room! Um, yeah. This has been our storage/everything goes room. My goal is to get our sofa sleeper that has been hanging out in the garage in this room and set it up as a nice sitting area/guest room. It gets pretty warm in the summer so I think I need a fan to offset the heat!

So how was your rainy Sunday?


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